Understanding le présent du subjonctif : Formation and implementation

Le présent du subjonctif or the present subjunctive is a verbal mode used to express an action that is uncertain, desired, subject to a condition or stated with a certain subjectivity. It is often used in subordinate sentences, introduced by conjunctions such as "que", "pour que", "so que", "sans que", etc. To form the present subjunctive in French, it is usually enough to take the third person plural of the present indicative, then change the ending according to the subject. It is important to note that some irregular verbs have particular forms in the present subjunctive, so it is necessary to learn them individually. In addition, the subjunctive is less and less used in everyday spoken language, but remains frequent in written and formal language.

Usage of présent du subjonctif

Here are some common uses of the present subjunctive:

Expression of uncertainty or doubt :

  • Je doute qu'il vienne ce soir.
  • Il est possible que nous soyons en retard.
  • Je ne pense pas qu'il sache la réponse.

Expression of wish or desire :

  • Je souhaite que tu réussisses tes examens.
  • J'aimerais que vous veniez à ma fête.
  • Que la force soit avec toi.

Expression of need or obligation :

  • Il est important que nous fassions attention.
  • Il faut que tu étudies pour réussir.
  • Il est nécessaire que vous remplissiez ce formulaire.

Expression of the order, request or recommendation :

  • Je demande que tu fasses ton travail correctement.
  • Il est essentiel que nous prenions des mesures rapidement.
  • Je recommande que vous lisiez ce livre.

Expression of the condition or hypothesis :

  • À condition qu'il fasse beau, nous irons à la plage.
  • Pourvu qu'il arrive à temps.
  • Sans que personne ne le sache, nous partirons discrètement.

It is important to note that the use of the present subjunctive often depends on the nature of the main sentence and the subordinate conjunction that introduces it. The subjunctive is generally used in a formal register of the language, in particular in the written language and in certain contexts specific to the oral.

Formation of the présent du subjonctif

The present subjunctive is usually formed by taking the third person plural of the present indicative, then changing the endings according to the subject. Here are typical endings for regular verbs:

  • Que je (verbe) + e
  • Que tu (verbe) + es
  • Qu'il/elle/on (verbe) + e
  • Que nous (verbe) + ions
  • Que vous (verbe) + iez
  • Qu'ils/elles (verbe) + ent

However, there are certain exceptions and irregularities for certain verbs, which have particular forms in the present subjunctive. Here are some examples of regular verbs and their forms in the present subjunctive:

  • Parler : que je parle, que tu parles, qu'il/elle/on parle, que nous parlions, que vous parliez, qu'ils/elles parlent
  • Finir : que je finisse, que tu finisses, qu'il/elle/on finisse, que nous finissions, que vous finissiez, qu'ils/elles finissent
  • Prendre : que je prenne, que tu prennes, qu'il/elle/on prenne, que nous prenions, que vous preniez, qu'ils/elles prennent

It is important to note that some irregular verbs have specific forms in the present subjunctive, and it is necessary to learn them individually. Moreover, the subjunctive is less used in everyday spoken language, but remains frequent in written and formal language.

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